Category: Club Nights

General information on club nights

Extended Club Nights

Members responses to our suggestion to extend the season were very positive. We have therefore booked four additional club nights to take place at Meadowdale School, 7:45pm to 9:45pm on the following dates

  • Friday 10th June
  • Friday 17th June
  • Friday 24th June
  • Friday 1st July

Also, a reminder that club night on Friday 27th May is at Meadowdale School (7.45-9.45pm).

We hope to see you on court soon.

Remaining Club Nights

Just a quick reminder that remaining club nights will be at Meadowdale School until the end of the season. So the following dates are at Meadowdale:

  • Friday 13th May – 7.45pm-9.45pm.
  • Friday 20th May – 7.45pm-9.45pm.
  • Friday 27th May – 7.45pm-9.45pm.

Please note club nights at Meadowdale run from 7:45pm to 9:45pm. Note also that there are no more club nights after 27th May until the new season starts in September.

Upcoming Club Nights

Due to matches taking place at Welland Park, club nights for the next three weeks will be at Meadowdale Primary School as follows:

  • Friday 25th March at 7.45pm
  • Friday 1st April at 7.45pm
  • Friday 8th April at 7.45pm

See here for full details of all club nights and note the slightly later start time of 7.45pm.

There will also be no sessions over Easter (15th & 22nd April) and then we should be back at Welland Park on 29th April. However, there may be other dates before the end of the season where we will be at Meadowdale, so please keep an eye on the website. We will also send out reminders via email.

Club Nights during Feb/March

Firstly, a reminder that there is no club night this Friday (18th Feb) due to us not being able to book Welland Park during half term.

In addition, we have been informed at short notice by Welland Park that unfortunately we can no longer use their hall for the following four weeks, due to them using it for mock exams. Thankfully, we have been able to book the hall at Meadowdale for these dates (see below):

  • Friday 25th Feb at 7.45pm
  • Friday 4th March at 7.45pm
  • Friday 11th March at 7.45pm
  • Friday 18th March at 7.45pm

See here for full details of all club nights and note the slightly later start time of 7.45pm.

We will be back at Welland Park on 25th March, but there will be other dates before the end of the season where we will be at Meadowdale, so please keep an eye on the website. We will also send out reminders via email.

Club Night at Meadowdale – 10th Dec 2021

Due to a match taking place at Welland Park and to accommodate our growing membership, club night on Friday 10th December 2021 will be at Meadowdale school from 7.45pm to 9.45pm.

Note also that this will be the last session of 2021, with the first session of 2022 being Friday 7th January.

The address for Meadowdale is Meadowdale Primary School, Meadowdale Rd, Market Harborough, LE16 7XQ. For a map/directions, see

Directions to Meadowdale

New Season Starts Friday 3rd Sept

We hope you had a good summer and are ready for the new season, which starts on Friday 3rd September (not 27th August as previously communicated). Please see the detailed information below for season dates and club contacts.

We very much hope this year’s badminton will not be as adversely affected by Covid-19 as during the last two seasons. Therefore, we do not intend to use the Playwaze system this year. We will collect club fees as normal and these fees are detailed below.

Please note, an email detailing up to date guidance on Covid-19 from Badminton England will follow shortly.

Club Nights

Club nights will take place at Welland Park Academy, Market Harborough, every Friday from 7.30pm and 9.30pm between the dates listed here:

A full listing of club nights is available at:

Note that on a few occasions during the season, club night may be switched to Meadowdale Primary School due to matches taking place at Welland Park. Members will be notified prior to these dates by email and on the club website.


This season’s club fees are listed here. Club fees are the same as in the 2019-2020 season.

Can you please ensure that your subscriptions are paid by the end of September, any subs received after that will not receive the £10 discount. If you’re intending to play in matches, prompt payment is appreciated so you can be registered. No one will be registered or able to play in matches until their fees are paid.

You can pay your fees by giving cheque/cash to Jim at club night or you can now pay by bank transfer using the details sent by email (contact us if you need these).


We intend to have Mixed Doubles, New Hall Doubles and Men’s teams registered in the Leicestershire leagues.

Once we have the fixtures, they will be available on the club website at


Contacts for individual committee members are also available on the website at

You can also contact us using the club email address